Monday, May 26, 2008

Back from the Beach

Happy Memorial Day - I'm exhausted. A seven hour trip up to the Panhandle of Florida this weekend began with a few hiccups including a broken transmission and an extra 3 hours tacked onto an already long drive....but we made it.
We were greeted with lovely beach weather and I was able to sift the sand for shells all weekend. I'll be looking through them in the light of day tomorrow to see if I got any with holes in them. I always have this vision of natural shells used in jewelry and as much as I'm concerned with the wear and tear of using real shells - aren't these ones that have weathered the pounding from the fierce waves of the sea and have arrived intact onto the beach? They should be able to stand a little wear from us humans, right?
I'll keep you posted on my progress - maybe get a picture or two.....I know I found at least two sharks teeth - I was more excited than my kids were...!! Go figure.

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